The power of ceramics
Our projects start up quickly thanks to our prototyping with resin and come to strong results thanks to production with ceramics. We are pleased to tell you more about these exciting materials below.
Rapid prototyping...
Resin is a strong and versatile material. It is ideal for the relatively quick printing of highly detailed shapes. However, it is less suitable for use in demanding environments. We use resin mainly for prototyping and micro-precision printing.
...strong end result
We manufacture products for industrial and medical applications out of ceramic. The extraordinary properties of this material make it particularly suitable for sectors that - with good reason - have high demands. Ceramics are very strong, durable, pure and resistant to high temperatures, wear and chemicals.
Great detail
With accuracy down to 2 microns, we offer a resolution that cannot be found anywhere else. Moreover, we have the technology to print up to large sizes (30 by 30 cm). Whatever the size, the heating methodology of our manufacturing process establishes atomic bonds that make each final product exceptionally strong.
The power of ceramics
Our projects start up quickly thanks to our prototyping with resin and come to strong results thanks to production with ceramics. We are pleased to tell you more about these exciting materials below.

Aluminum oxide
Suitable for technical ceramic applications. Exhibits good mechanical behavior at high temperatures, good thermal conductivity and high electrical resistance. Very hard and wear resistant.
Suitable for mechanical applications at both very high and low temperatures. Can be colored for applications in jewelry. Very hard, wear resistant and resistant to tarnishing by metals.

Suitable for demanding biomedical applications. HAP has a chemical composition close to that of bone, making it suitable for the production of bone implants.
Suitable for vacuum applications. Has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, low thermal conductivity and is wear resistant. Commonly used for aerospace and metrology.